Dear Customers and Partners,
Following the COVID-19 global crises, we would like to inform you that RS2, as a service provider, triggered its business continuity plan to continue providing its services with no impact or interruption to your business.
We tested our plan involving all our offices around the Globe to execute all processes remotely from the operation perspective as well as from the technology and infrastructure and after successful testing, we executed the plan in order to adhere to the various Governmental requirements in the various Regions but more importantly to secure the health and safety of our colleagues and partners and as of today, the plan is fully functional.
We continue to ask you to safeguard the well-being of our people and to equally enforce the required measures. We also ask you to advise us should one of your employees be diagnosed, especially if there could have been exposure to our people in the recent days and we will do the same from our end to ensure full transparency.
Should you have any queries or concerns on this matter please feel free to email us on your dedicated customer support address.
We will keep you posted on any developments that may have an impact on any of the services currently being provided by RS2 but our aim is to continue providing business as usual.
Stay healthy and together we will master this crises.
- Best regards,
- Radi El Haj